Tourism in the Post-Covid Era


Practical learning has become so much more important in the post-covid business management education. By using corporate live case projects at CIIM, we offer a challenging and effective learning process that today’s students both expect and need – a learning process in a real-life context and with real-life complexities. CIIM’s Master of Science in Business Management (MBM) runs every year a Corporate Live Case Project as part of our ‘Learning by Doing’ teaching philosophy. This year, the Live Case Project was organised in cooperation with Top Kinisis, a leading travel agency in Cyprus. Competing student teams were challenged to provide [...]

Tourism in the Post-Covid Era2021-04-21T14:35:44+03:00

Φιλοσοφία της Κρίσης


Φιλοσοφία της κρίσης Δρ Ιωάννης Σ. Χριστοδούλου, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Φιλοσοφίας Διευθυντής του Μετ. Προγράμματος “Εκπαίδευση, Ηγεσία και Διοίκηση” CIIM – Cyprus International Institute of Management Ο Γενικός Γραμματέας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, Αντόνιο Γκουτέρες, πριν λίγες ημέρες δήλωσε: "We must make sure funds go where they are needed most. Latest reports indicate that there has been a $5 trillion surge in the wealth of the world's richest in the past year,..." … "I urge governments to consider a solidarity or wealth tax on those who have profited during the pandemic, to reduce extreme inequalities,..." "But we need to go beyond debt [...]

Φιλοσοφία της Κρίσης2021-04-19T11:53:31+03:00

Εθνικές Μνήμες


Μνήμες 1821, μνήμες 1995-59, μνήμες που υποχρεώνουν, που σταυρώνουν τη συνείδηση κάθε Έλληνα, που σκέφτεται και τιμά τους προ-υπάρξαντες συνέλληνες, που κοίταξαν κατάματα τον φόβο, και είπαν "όχι". Τούτη η περιφρόνηση του πιο μαρτυρικού από τα συναισθήματα, του φόβου, είναι που έδωσε ταυτότητα στον Έλληνα, στο πέρασμα της ιστορίας του χιλιάδων χρόνων. Και γίνεται, τότε, φοβερός ο Έλληνας: γίνεται πολεμιστής. Και η μοίρα του αμείλικτη, για τον ίδιο που σηκώνει το ανάστημα, και λέει «όχι», και για κείνους που το εισπράττουν ως απάντηση, οι επίβουλοι και άδικοι. Γιατί τέτοιους εχθρούς έχει ο Έλληνας: επίβουλους και άδικους. Κι αν είναι να [...]

Εθνικές Μνήμες2021-03-29T14:49:36+03:00

Covid-19 Business Transformation: Three-Phase Journey


The covid-19 pandemic has imposed unprecedented disruptions upon the operations of a vast majority of businesses worldwide. Of course, not everyone is cursing the virus: big online retailers, pharmaceuticals, social media giants, food delivery platforms, online video conferencing companies are flourishing like never before. But for most businesses these are indeed very challenging, if not critical, times. For almost a year now, the focus of business leaders has naturally been all about business survival, yet as the pandemic unfolds, there has never been a more urgent need for companies to rethink and reconfigure their strategy in the new world of the [...]

Covid-19 Business Transformation: Three-Phase Journey2021-05-10T09:06:21+03:00

How to use Nudge Theory for Business Success


An article written by Dr Olga Kandinskaia As someone with a keen interest in the business management science, I always keep an eye on the latest decision-making theories. Simply speaking, making a decision is rarely easy. Or at least if we are talking of a good decision. To make a good decision, we need to be able to collect, interpret and analyse a load of information, and at the same time not to lose track of our goals. Management education is dedicated to this purpose of improving real life management decisions, applying the principles of management science to the current business [...]

How to use Nudge Theory for Business Success2021-01-27T10:12:46+02:00

CIIM – Medochemie Live Case Project 2020


Experiential Learning @CIIM MBM: Connecting Business and Education via Live Case Projects by Olga Kandinskaia Practical learning has become so much more important in the post-covid business management education. Live case studies offer a learning process that today’s students both expect and need: real-life situations provide added context and complexities. Live cases can also offer additional incentives to students, well beyond the academic grade. Even before the current global pandemic, the rise in experiential learning has been a new significant trend at the leading business schools worldwide. Practical learning in its various formats was being increasingly added to the academic [...]

CIIM – Medochemie Live Case Project 20202020-10-16T06:28:52+03:00

Russian Policy and Double Tax Treaties: the Maltese Amending Protocol


Russian policy and Double tax treaties: the Maltese amending Protocol by Dr. Eleni Apostolidou (Director of MSc in Financial Law & International Taxation) Διαβάστε εδώ την Ελληνική έκδοση > On October 6, 2020, the Russian government announced the signing of a protocol to the bilateral double taxation Convention governing its relations with Malta. A significant development that is expected to affect the current corporate tax structures and the routing of profits through Malta's jurisdiction. The main advantage secured for the Russian side is an increase in the tax rate that Russia can collect at source on cross-border [...]

Russian Policy and Double Tax Treaties: the Maltese Amending Protocol2020-10-15T16:01:06+03:00

MBM company visit at Medochemie


On February 21, Friday, CIIM MBM students visited Medochemie in Limassol. It was a specially organized company visit for the CIIM MSc Business Management students as part of the Career & Industry Seminars course & the introductory session for the participants of the course ‘Special Topics in Management: Medochemie Live Case Project 2020’ – following our key philosophy of Learning By Doing. Medochemie is a role model for other companies and would-be entrepreneurs. Starting with just 8 employees and 3 machines in 1976, Medochemie developed itself into a mighty manufacturer of quality pharmaceuticals for the global market that has received [...]

MBM company visit at Medochemie2020-10-15T13:08:24+03:00

MBM company visit at AIG


On January 31, 2020, CIIM MBM students visited the AIG branch in Nicosia. AIG is a large international insurance company operating in more than 80 countries and with a prominent market share in Cyprus since 1960. During the visit, the company presented how they protect their clients today, how they are investing in data and technology to better protect them tomorrow, how the skill of the AIG teams can help client’s business stay in business and how the company delivers this value to the clients and business partners. We met with some of the key persons of the AIG management team [...]

MBM company visit at AIG2020-08-31T12:44:51+03:00

Investment Opportunities for the Retail Investor


Διαβάστε εδώ την Ελληνική έκδοση > Investment Opportunities for the Retail Investor By Dr. George Theocharides As most of us are aware, a major trend that appeared in global markets in recent times is the establishment of a low or even negative interest rate environment. The reasons of course behind this uncomfortable trend have to do with insufficient rates of growth for the global economy as well as low inflation levels. This situation is here to stay for some time (unless inflation picks up rather drastically) and has important implications. One of them is the low (or even negative) return [...]

Investment Opportunities for the Retail Investor2020-08-31T12:47:10+03:00


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