CIIM Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre

What is ENTICE?

ENTICE is the CIIM Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre launched at the end of 2013 as a new activity of CIIM has as its mission to contribute, through the provision of specialised consulting services, education and mentoring, in the creation of innovative new ventures (start-ups) and in the improvement of the competitiveness of existing innovative enterprises.

ENTICE has three main pillars of activities, educational and training services, the ENTICE Accelerator andresearch in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

In order to carry out its mission, ENTICE builds on the vast experience, expertise and networks of CIIM.Τhe combination of academic knowledge, empirical skills and experience of the faculty and staff of CIIMon aspects related to the creation and growth of business, the long experience in educating businessand industrial managers and leaders in entrepreneurship, management, leadership and strategy, thestrong links with the business community of Cyprus, with an important network of Alumni, the strongnetwork of partners for the mentoring and consulting of startup businesses and in facilitating access topotential funders / investors are CIIMs attributes in developing ENTICE.

Entice offers the following services:

  1. To catalyse the creation of new innovative enterprises through the provision of consulting services,training, mentoring and networking and Accelerator-type services. Emphasis is given to webentrepreneurship, financial services and marine entrepreneurship, as well as, on a case to case basis, toother very promising high tech innovative ideas.
  2. To offer specialised postgraduate education and professional / executive training.
  3. To lead CIIM activities related to Entrepreneurship and Innovation such as study field trips, jointprogrammes, brokerage and speed dating events, etc.
  4. To offer specialised Consulting services for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, including globalisationand networking for established innovative enterprises striving for growth and increased competitiveness
  5. To support in finding public and private financing for the development of new innovative ventures.


To contribute, through the provision of specialised consulting services, education and mentoring, in thecreation of innovative new ventures (start-ups) and in the improvement of the competitiveness ofexisting innovative enterprises.

In order to carry out its mission, entice builds on the vast experience, expertise and networks of CIIM:
The combination of academic knowledge, empirical skills and experience of the faculty and staff of CIIMon aspects related to the creation and growth of business.

Long experience in educating business and industrial managers and leaders in entrepreneurship,management, leadership and strategy.

Strong links with the business community of Cyprus, important network of AlumniStrong network of partners for the mentoring and consulting of startup businesses.

Facilitating access to potential funders / investors.

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