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CIIM – The Cyprus International Institute of Management will hold a press conference on 25 January 2018 at 10:00 am, at its premises in Nicosia, Cyprus, to present the European Project “Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship– i3”.

CIIM – The Cyprus International Institute of Management is one of six project partners from 5 countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYROM Macedonia & Greece).

I3 Brief for 25th January 2018 Press Conference

Project Scope

“Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship– i3”

Partners from five European countries will cooperate to address Balkan Peninsula and East Mediterranean Sea’s strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth through five themes.

Bulgaria Economic Forum, Bulgaria (Lead partner)
Albania Center for Sustainable Development, Albania
Association “Committee Italy-Bulgaria 2013”, Bulgaria
Center for Knowledge Management, FYRO Macedonia
Cyprus International Institute of Management, Cyprus
Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, Greece

The five themes

  1. Environment: include innovative technologies for environmental protection, resource efficiency, ecological tourism, etc.
  2. Energy: include development of new and renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, etc.
  3. IT: integrated systems – hardware and software for management of high-tech processes, artificial intelligence, innovative multimedia, etc.
  4. Lifestyle: Activities for improving quality of life, leisure, health, etc.
  5. Technology: Include research and use of innovative technologies in production processes and sectors or in the household and which were not included in the above.


The aim of the project is to develop, establish and promote entrepreneurial learning and knowledge transfer model for educating students and entrepreneurs. The model will serve as a beacon for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in five countries through the five themes of the project; Environment, Energy, Lifestyle, Technology, and IT.

The Event

The conference will provide an overview of the project’s purpose, strategy and CIIM’s role as a project partner.

The event will be attended by representatives from the relevant ministries, and stakeholders relating to the project themes, and thus providing direct opportunities for involvement.

In addition to research and analysis, CIIM will provide training workshops during later phases of the project, in entrepreneurial innovation for selected trainees from the five partners’ countries. Ultimately promoting entrepreneurship at local, regional, national and international levels.

Who should attend

Everyone interested in learning about innovation in entrepreneurship, or is actively engaged in one of the five sectors of the project; Environment, Energy, Lifestyle, Technology, and IT.

Contact details

George Guirgis
Project Coordinator

Tel.: (+357) 22 462 223
Email: [email protected]
View project’s webpage

To reserve a seat, please complete and submit the registration form which can be found by clicking the button below.

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