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CIIM ranked again among the top 25 performing universities in income from continuous professional development, in the 2018 U-Multirank rankings, which is an EU sponsored global university ranking Programme. CIIM, the only institution in Cyprus to be included and one of the few in Europe that made the list, is in good company with London Business School in the UK, ESSEC Business School and Grenoble Ecole de Management in France, Bocconi University in Italy, and University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. The top 25 list presents the 2018 top performers on the indicator ‘income from continuous professional development’. The indicator concerns the level of knowledge transfer: a university active in providing continuous professional education courses to companies and individuals is viewed as transferring knowledge to external actors.

CIIM has a history in ranking high among universities and business schools with respect to knowledge transfer and executive education for managers and companies. In 2016 and 2017, CIIM ranked respectively 4th and 6th top performer in the world in “knowledge transfers to companies and individuals for continuous professional development” by the U-Multirank.

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CIIM offers hundreds of world-class executive seminars and workshops to managers and business leaders and customized in-house training sessions for businesses as well as well as vital workshops for companies that include both training and consulting sponsored by the Human Resource Management Authority (HRDA). The ranking of CIIM’s continuous professional development courses and programmes among the top 25 performing in the world by U-Multirank highlights the huge value that CIIM’s executive education creates for business leaders, managers and companies.

U-Multirank (“Multi-dimensional Global University Ranking System”) has been set up with support by the European Commission in order to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of various university activities and not just limit its rankings to research output. It is thus a multidimensional, world ranking system of universities and colleges covering many aspects of higher education: research, teaching and learning, international orientation, knowledge transfer and regional engagement. U-Multirank is an independent ranking, with financial support in its initial years from the European Union. This unique new tool for comparing performance includes information on more than 1,300 higher education institutions, 3,250 faculties and 10,700 study programmes from more than 90 countries. U-Multirank is more comprehensive and user-driven than any existing ranking, showing more clearly the performances of a much wider range of universities and their potential to contribute to growth and jobs.

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Training Programmes[/button][/one_half][/fullwidth]