A blog post written by Nikos Vardouniotis

As part of the core course entitled Career and Industry Seminars of the MBM – MSc in Business Management programme, students have the opportunity to attend visits to CIIM’s partner companies such as Hermes Airports Ltd, Vassiliko Cement Works Public Limited, Medochemie, Hyperion, Zorbas Bakeries, Engino.net.

The purpose of the visits   is to give the students the opportunity to Learn by Doing through meeting, engaging and interacting with the management teams and the top-level executives of the companies.

The 3rd company visit for the academic year 2017 – 2018, took place on 26.01.2018 where the MSc Business Management students visited Vassiliko Cement Works Public Limited.

During the 4-hour visit, the team which consisted of 23 students had the opportunity to meet with the Chief Human Resource, Health & Safety and Communications Officer – Ms Pagona Liggou, while they attended corporate presentations regarding the importance of Health & Safety and the ongoing production process of the company.

Following the presentations, the students had a 1-hour tour inside the facilities, in the Quality Control Department and the Operations Department.


Listed below are some of the benefits of attending a company visit as an MBM student:

  1. Identify how to communicate effectively in a business environment (internal & external).
  2. Understand the importance of the presentation skills and public speaking in the business world.
  3. How the departments within an organisation such as Human Resource, Accounting & Financial, Marketing and Sales join their forces to achieve the business’ goals and meet deadlines.
  4. How important it is for each organisation, the existence of a corporate culture and CSR strategies.
  5. The scope of internal policies and how they can be applied to benefit the organisation.
  6. How to work and to collaborate with others in teams.
  7. Develop networking skills.

And last but not least,

  1. Gather information and how to write business reports.

About the Author
Nikos Vardouniotis
Marketing Officer (CDMP) & MBM – MSc in Business Management current student at CIIM – Cyprus International Institute of Management
[email protected]