Why study business management and why choose MBM


In the hyper-competitive job market of today a postgraduate degree in business management has become a required qualification for employment in jobs that university graduates would find appealing and rewarding. Fields that were in high demand a few years ago are now saturated and many graduates are unable to secure the job they have targeted with their first degree. They are seeking to discover new opportunities in the private and public sector to secure gainful employment with good career prospects. Here at  CIIM - Cyprus International Institute of Management, with 27+ years in management education, we have designed and tested over [...]

Why study business management and why choose MBM2020-08-31T13:11:03+03:00

Zorbas Student Project: Learning by Doing Dr Olga Kandinskaia


Recent trends in education, and business education in particular, emphasize the importance of “learning by doing”. As Benjamin Franklin famously wrote: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Leading business schools abroad increasingly include real-life company projects into their academic curriculum to enrich the experience of their Master-level students and thus prepare them for a successful career in the challenging and dynamic business environment of today. Partnerships between corporations and business schools are of multipurpose nature and are highly beneficial to both sides. CIIM Business School has been committed to the excellence [...]

Zorbas Student Project: Learning by Doing Dr Olga Kandinskaia2020-08-31T13:13:26+03:00


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