Project Title:

TrACE – Transport Analytics Centre of Excellence in Cyprus

Brief Description

TrACE aims to promote research, innovation and entrepreneurship in particular in areas such as transport planning and related policies, sustainable mobility, intelligent transport systems, green and sustainable transport, maritime transport and blue economy. These areas directly affect key aspects of Cypriot society such as the economy, the environment, tourism and the quality of life of citizens, and it is therefore expected that TrACE will make a significant positive contribution.

The TRACE project was amongst the 30 successful Phase I proposals selected out of the 208 proposals submitted by 13 eligible European countries under Horizon 2020, WIDESPREAD-04-2017: Teaming call. In Phase I, a funding of ~ €400,000 is provided for one year for the development of a Business Plan for the establishment of the Center of Excellence. The successful Phase II proposals (success rate of ~ 20%) will be funded with the sum of € 15 million for 5-7 years for the creation and operation of the new Centers of Excellence. Matching funding is also expected from the Cypriot government in the case of Cypriot proposals.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Commission, grant agreement number 763568

TrACE Logo

Project Information

Financing programme: Horizon 2020, call “WIDESPREAD-04-2017: Teaming Phase 1
Period: 01 September 2017 to 31 August 2018 (12 months)
Total budget: 397.593,00 EURO
