CIIM – The Cyprus International Institute of Management is a non-profit international business school established in 1990 by a group of business leaders and a team of leading academics representing some of the world’s best business schools.

CIIM’s mission is to serve as a centre of excellence in postgraduate management education, continuing executive education and research in local and regional issues of global concern that strengthens our knowledge-based society. The Institute fosters a new generation of managers, entrepreneurs and business leaders, who are catalysts, motivators and accelerators of change and innovation in Cyprus, the Mediterranean region and beyond.

To accomplish its mission, CIIM has pioneered the modular educational model. This gives our programmes exceptional flexibility, enabling students to focus on a specific subject within short intensive time periods. This gives a freedom of choice that is particularly suited to the needs of the working student.

CIIM is a highly specialised school that exclusively focuses on advanced studies in business, management and leadership. In parallel to its flagship MBA programme, CIIM offers a Master in Public Sector Management (MPSM), or an “MBA for the public sector,” as well as a number of management-related Masters degrees. CIIM also boasts an executive education unit that helps students acquire new skills or hone existing ones.
In addition to its educational activities, CIIM has established an Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre (ENTICE) to help individuals, companies and organizations create innovative new ventures and improve the competitiveness of existing ones.

CIIM is involved in research activities in the following five broad research topics:

  • Economics and Finance
  • Business Marketing and Strategy
  • Education and Human Resource Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Energy Economics and Environmental Management

CIIM often serves as a consultant to the Cyprus government on economic, financial and entrepreneurial issues. For instance, during the past two years as a result of the financial crisis, CIIM’s role as a governmental consultant has been enhanced.

Key CIIM Research Personnel

Dr Theodore Panayotou
Director & Dean of CIIM, Professor of Ethics in Business & Government and Corporate Environmental Management
Research interests: Climate change economics and policy; Carbon taxes and carbon markets; Environment-development interactions (Environmental Kuznets Curves); Sustainable development; Financing mechanisms for sustainable development; Market-based instruments of environmental policy; Energy economics and policy; Economics of low-carbon technology development, transfer and adoption; Economic valuation of forests and biodiversity; Determinants of land use change, and; Water pricing and trading.

Dr Olga Kandinskaia
MSc Business Management Programme Director and Associate Professor of Finance
Research interests: Derivative markets; Corporate finance, and; Blended learning and e-learning.

Dr Paris Cleanthous
Director of the Masters in Public Sector Management (MPSM) and MBA Programme, Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy
Research Interests
General: Strategy; Marketing; Industrial organization, and; Applied micro-Econometrics.
Specific: Innovation, competitive advertising & pricing; Health and pharmaceutical economics & marketing; Tourism economics and management, and; Marketing strategy.

Dr Ioannis Christodoulou
Director of the MSc in Education, Leadership and Management


Tel. +357 22462213
E-mail: [email protected]