Relentless Pursuit of Excellence
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Academic Programmes
MBA - Master in Business Administration
MBA - Master in Business Administration
A unique and innovative programme, global by design, world-class in quality and affordable in cost. Both locally and internationally accredited, CIIM MBA is a transformative experience following a more practical approach using innovative learning techniques. Designed for the working professional, CIIM MBA boasts more than 1600 alumni, many of whom are leaders in business in Cyprus and beyond.
MBM - MSc Business Management
MBM - MSc Business Management
A postgraduate business degree that focuses on key management functions such as managing people, finances, operations, sales and marketing. MBM’s differentiating feature is the use of the “Learning by Doing’ innovative teaching method. Students may choose from 4 concentration tracks: Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, General Management, Oil and Gas Management. The programme was ranked 21st in West Europe by Eduniversal, the Paris-based global ranking agency in higher education.
MSc - Financial Services
MSc - Financial Services
Focused on providing an optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the MSc in Financial Services is of great value for individuals that want to develop their career in the world of finance, including banks, Forex companies, investment firms, FinTech, investment funds, insurance companies, etc. The MSc in Financial Services is closely tied to the practice of investment management and is helpful to students preparing for the CFA Program exams. It is the only programme in Cyprus affiliated by CFA Institute.
ΜSc - Applied Information Technologies
ΜSc - Applied Information Technologies
MSc in Applied Information Technology (AIT) provides students with up-to-date information on applied technologies, even if their first degree is in another subject, as well as the opportunity to develop a modern and interdisciplinary profile to meet this need. The course should also be of use to those who have worked in the field and would like to be updated more formally with recent progress on new technologies.
MSc - Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour
MSc - Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour
The MSc in Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour through a dynamic curriculum develops reflective HR professionals equipped with the skill set to successfully address global human talent challenges. The degree is DIPAE accredited and aligned with the professional associations of CyHRMA and SHRM.
MSc - Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
MSc in Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
It is a unique and innovative-by-design postgraduate degree that combines both managerial and technical aspects of the data science field. Particular emphasis is given to participants acquiring practical skills for implementing data science solutions, as well as enhancing their decision-making capabilities in Information Technology from a data science perspective.
Master of Public Sector Management
Master of Public Sector Management
All over the world, governments and public institutions are challenged to provide high-quality services, respond swiftly to citizen needs and resolve problems effectively and efficiently. CIIM MPSM – Master of Public Sector Management uniquely prepares individuals who seek to become public sector managers in this volatile, complex and uncertain international environment.
MSc στην Εκπαίδευση, Ηγεσία & Διοίκηση
MSc στην Εκπαίδευση, Ηγεσία & Διοίκηση
Το πρόγραμμα συνδυάζει τρία επιστημονικά αντικείμενα με μεγάλο εύρος εφαρμογών σε καίριους τομείς της αγοράς εργασίας. Παρέχει ποιοτική κατάρτιση σε θέματα εκπαίδευσης, ηγεσίας και διοίκησης εκπαιδευτικών μονάδων, οργανισμών και επιχειρήσεων. Το Πρόγραμμα εφοδιάζει με γνώσεις και δεξιότητες όσους εργάζονται ή θα εργαστούν ως εκπαιδευτικοί, όσους δραστηριοποιούνται επιχειρηματικά στον χώρο της Εκπαίδευσης και όσους πτυχιούχους επαγγελματίες επιθυμούν να διακριθούν ηγετικά στους χώρους εργασίας τους. Το Πρόγραμμα διδάσκεται στην ελληνική γλώσσα.
MSc in Shipping Operations & Management (Online)
MSc in Shipping Operations & Management (Online)
An online Masters for ambitious students and professionals tailored to the needs and challenges of the shipping industry. This online programme is designed to appeal to motivated individuals, students and professionals seeking to gain or strengthen their knowledge and skills required for mid-to-senior management positions in the shipping industry.